The source that is original Trump?s claim of 63,000 immigrant murders? Bad information from Steve King in 2006.

The source that is original Trump?s claim of 63,000 immigrant murders? Bad information from Steve King in 2006.

Fine. Settle set for a little and possibly swipe up to the calculator app on the phone. We?re about to be on a significant numeric roller coaster trip.

President Trump shifted the gears of their immigration rhetoric a little Friday, hoping to reclaim the momentum lost after having to publicly backtrack on his administration?s family-separation policy. He came back to a strategy he first embraced significantly less than four weeks after declaring their candidacy: standing with all the moms and dads of men and women killed by immigrants in the united states illegally to claim that immigrants pose an important threat to Americans.

The information implies that immigrants, including immigrants in the united states illegally, commit crimes at reduced rates than native-born Us citizens. Czytaj dalej


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