Other Factors in Colombia Marriages and Civil Partnerships

Other Factors in Colombia Marriages and Civil Partnerships

Colombia allows sex that is same unions. Therefore, lovers in exact same sex relationships have actually the right to additionally get wedding visas in Colombia.

In addition, it is essential to know that Colombia is actually a grouped community home nation.

Therefore, assets obtained post marital union are most often divided 50/50 in Colombia and also this pertains to both marriages and civil partnerships. In Colombia, whoever has been coping with his / her partner for over couple of years basically has very nearly the rights that are same a partner.

Nonetheless, assets which you get before your marriage/union in Colombia are generally maybe perhaps maybe not up for debate whenever dissolving any martial union in Colombia.

However it is feasible to have agreements that are prenuptial Colombia, that are referred to as ?capitulaciones matrimoniales?. a seasoned attorney in Colombia can design a prenuptial contract that features asset dissolution agreements that will protect claims on future assets. Czytaj dalej


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